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Efficient HR Administration Services in Singapore

Global HR Service in Singapore

For business owners who are looking for new employees, HR services are always in demand. If we talk about international companies, their advantages lie in the ability to hire employees from different countries. These services give companies access to the best talent from other regions.

Administrative HR professional

When we talk about human resource management Singapore, we need to mention these characteristics of HR:

  • recruitment and selection using a variety of tools;
  • managing employee performance and efficiency to ensure that everyone can use their strengths;
  • training and development to upskill or re-skill in line with company objectives;
  • succession planning, i.e., contingencies in case key employees leave;
  • compensation, rewards, and benefits as motivation for the team to work more efficiently;
  • HR management information systems;
  • staff records and analytics.


However, realizing that these pillars interact and influence each other is essential. Together, they ensure that employees work as efficiently as possible to maximize the company’s profits.

Function of HR administration

The main functions of global HR Service are:

  • planning;
  • organizing;
  • management;
  • control


A manager needs to plan all the processes to ensure that his subordinates perform their work clearly. Planning helps to achieve the goals faster, so it takes a long time.
Once goals are set, and plans and programs are developed to reach them, it is necessary to design and develop the organization’s structure to carry out the various HR operations.

HR management functions include encouraging and motivating people to work effectively to implement HR programs and achieve the organization’s goals. To do this effectively, the HR department must identify the needs of the employees and the means and methods of meeting them.
Controlling or regulating activities according to plans formulated based on the organization’s goals is necessary. The supervisor observes and subsequently compares the results with the set standards. Controlling is one of the essential functions as it helps evaluate and monitor the department’s performance in various operational functions.

Global Employee Outsourcing

Global HR Service include outsourcing services such as:

  1. Recruiting the best specialists matching the open vacancy (full recruitment process).
  2. Registration.
  3. Performance management.
  4. Payroll.
  5. Employee benefits management.
  6. Financial services.
  7. Compliance with country regulations.


Working with a global HR and employee outsourcing partner can save business costs. After all, your organization does not need its own HR department to hire employees from other countries.


The HR manager performs a fairly wide range of responsibilities and works in multitasking mode. The responsibilities of an HR management representative vary depending on their position and the organization’s structure. However, in general, these are the selection and interviewing of candidates, calculation of wages and other charges, issues related to health insurance, and health improvement of employees. The specialist also reviews and approves training or staff development requests and conducts employee relations surveys.

There are other tasks and duties that a human resources specialist performs on a routine basis, namely:

  • reporting on the company’s personnel status;
  • review of labor productivity;
  • preparation and implementation of personnel training and development programs;
  • conducting orientation of new employees.

Each working day involves performing various types of duties with different deadlines, which must be completed properly, highlighting priority matters.

Legal regulations and internal policies

Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is crucial to ensure the legitimacy of the business and the employees’ safety. It helps to reduce the company’s legal risks. By doing so, HR helps to avoid potential fines and scandals that negatively affect the business’s reputation.

There are different types of HR compliance, but the most popular ones are adherence to legislation, regulatory requirements of a particular regulatory body, contractual obligations, and union laws.

HR not only works on developing procedures and bringing workplace policies in line with laws but also monitors the compliance of all employees.

HR administration department

The HR department for HR management in any organization is responsible for managing the employee life cycle, from hiring to firing or retirement, dealing with issues such as training, discipline, and payroll, and overseeing paperwork and compliance. This sector can be simple. For example, it can be represented by one person in a small company, or an entire department in large organizations. However, it is vital for every serious company and requires constant HR transformation.


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